Thursday, June 09, 2005

Feels like Friday!

I'm off tomorrow, so today feels like Friday. That's a good thing! TC's aunt and niece (who'll be 14 on the same day as the devine Mrs. M's 1 year anniversary) are coming to visit for the weekend and they'll be here this evening. We're very excited...I actually think TC's aunt is more excited than his niece!

Random thought...

My mint is growing nicely, although I might have killed some of it. I love mint! It smells good and just makes me think of fancy things. A family friend of ours makes this spectacular mint tea (it's got tea, orange juice, mint and a simple syrup) that I just love! And I do not want to buy mint at the grocery store...too expensive. So, I've been taking the mint garnishes from our desserts at Abuelo's (I always have the flan and TC always has the margarita pie) and sticking them in the ground next to a water faucet outside. They're actually growing new leaves! My dad has put some mint from their yard in a gallon jug and he's going to bring it when they come to visit next month. Mom says he's got a jug of dead stuff. Dad's just sure it'll green up. We'll see...

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