Monday, October 30, 2006

I am barely breathing...

My blog that is.

I was reading over on Scribbit's blog about how she submitted her blog to Nurse Betty over on Flat Line Web Designs. She'll review your website and give you helpful suggestions on how to fix things. Here's what she had to say about Snarfle.

Problem is, errors abound around here and I have no idea what she's talking about!! XHTML validation errors? CSS validation errors? What the heck?

There are a few things that I actually understand and can fix. And how did all those error things happen anyway? I'm not really doing much tweaking to the blog...just using it like a normal person.

Please stick with me. I'll be out of the hospital soon!

1 comment:

SarahB said...

Yikes! You are braver than I--as long as mine is functioning I don't think I want to hear the criticism. It look me this long to start one, that bite just might make me give up. :)

Hope the comments help make your blog work better than you ever knew it could!