Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In an effort to remember these...

The Scene: The public restroom at Jacque Penney's. Buttercup and X-man in the handicap stall with me and Aunt Doc in the next stall.

X-man, squatting and trying to look under the stall: "Aunt Doc, you makin' dirties in dere?"


X-man: "Giggle me, daddy! Giggle me!"
(that means tickle me!)


The Scene: X-man has just poked at Buttercup with his chopstick from his plastic sushi set.

Mommy: "Don't poke people with your chopstick or mommy will put it away."
X-man: "And den I will go get de chopstick."


X-man: "Let's watch the chick-monks!"
(that would be Alvin & the Chipmonks...the hit of the Christmas season, as opposed to Sleeping Beauty, the hit of the Great Road Trip of 2008)


This kid cracks me up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And here I had almost forgotten about the semi-mortifying act. Thanks for the memory jogg.