Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Now that he's 3 years, 1 month...

X-man had his 3 year check up last Friday.

He is just under the 75th percentile for height and weight and he apparently is meeting all the appropriate milestones. At this appointment, the Doctor mostly asked the questions to X-man. I would nod when necessary, but X-man answered all the questions correctly and did carry on quite a conversation with the Doctor.

At one point during the exam, the doctor pressed around on his tummy and then X-man pointed to his undies and said, "My pen*s is in there." Yep, he knows the real word...but I haven't brought myself to tell him what girls have. Only tell them what they ask!

We need to get him in to see a dentist and we need to get him a tricycle. That will be fun!


Unknown said...

YEAH X! I had to giggle at him and his penis comment. FUNNY!

Jessica said...

That is hillarious!!! :) Crazy x-man!

NeedANap2 said...

We use the real word too! Our girls have been told the real word but somewhere along the way started saying bottom so we just kind of go along with that for now.