Saturday, June 13, 2009

Welcome to Fred, Jack and Thomas!

These are X-man's three little monsters. Yes, my friends, I think we have our first imaginary friends!

They've only been here for two days but X-man has taken them to bed with him and they even went with us to sushi for lunch today. And X-man did a great job of telling them how to act in a restaurant. Such a good boy!

Yesterday we were eating lunch and X-man said there was a monster in the kitchen! This isn't too surprising as he talks about the monsters...the friendly one from Word World and the scary one from Bugs Bunny. And last weekend we watched Monsters, Inc. several times on our trip out of town and back.

So, there was a monster in the kitchen and X-man clarified that it was a scary monster. Well, he wanted to scare it away so he roared at it. And Buttercup roared. I just laughed! Another monster appeared in the living room and we scared that one away, too.

Then one showed up in the kitchen again and X-man said, "Look! The scary monster brought a little monster and he's friendly!" Yea for friendly monsters!

So, that little monster sat on the table (X-man told him to be polite at the table) and the little monster sat on the couch while I read X-man his pre-nap book. Then the monster went to bed with X and even got covered up under the blankets. Several minutes later I went to check on X and he told me there were 3 little monsters on the bookshelf and he asked me to get them and put them in bed with him. I scooped them up and plopped them right next to X. I asked X if they had names and he said, "I don't know they names. We'll find out later."

The first thing he said to daddy when he got home yesterday was, "Here are my three little monsters, daddy!"

They finally got names this morning at breakfast.

Incidentally, my sister and I had imaginary friends. Shockapocka and Pooley. If I remember correctly, Pooley was my friend and Shockapocka was my sister's. Shockapocka was always getting in trouble. No further commentary on that... =)

1 comment:

Aunt Doc said...

Unfortunately, that's how I remember it, too :p Also, where in Heaven's name did we come up with their names??!?! Seriously?!?! We were some very creative children...