Sunday, October 22, 2006

Rose for Mamma

I had forgotten about this little gem until I uploaded the homecoming pictures to my laptop...

Last Sunday morning (the 15th) while we were at my parents' house, my dad took X-man outsite to just look around while us women folk were getting ready for church. I was putting on my makeup and my dad walks down the hall holding X-man. X-man's holding a stem...

My dad says, "X-man picked this flower for his mamma, but it suffered just a bit." The bloom fell off with X-man's shaking it. X-man had quite a grip on the rose stem, so I figured that my dad had cut the stickers off. But not because he didn't want to. X-man just reached right out and grabbed the stem while they were looking at the rose bush.

So I put the bloom in one of these cute little fostoria glasses. It reminded me of being at my own grandparents' house. Grandmother always had some kind of flower in a vase or floating in a dish.

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