Thursday, May 31, 2007

Give me the moon

X-man loves Goodnight Moon for his bedtime story. He also loves Moo, Baa La La La! probably because I really get into all the funny animal sounds.

However, neither of us can get into I Love You Forever. Sure, it's a nice sentiment and the little song the mamma sings is sweet:

I love you forever
I like you for always
As long as you're living
My baby you'll be.

Sweet, right? Except for it talks about the mamma sneaking into her college-age son's dorm window and picking him up and rocking him.

That is creepy!!!


Jessica said...

Ha! I heard this for the first time on Mother's Day at our church service...the preschool teacher read it for the children service. I was SO creeped out about that too!! HA!! :)

Jennifer Walker said...

I got to your blog from your parenthacks comment for the book. My son is 19-months-old and loves Goodnight Moon and Moo, Baa, LaLaLa. In fact he loves all of the Sandra Boynton books. He also loves the Karen Katz, flip the flap books. Have you read those?

wesleyjeanne said...

I've always thought that was creepy, too! I'm happy to see I'm not the only one.