Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bits and Pieces

Here's a quick little New Year's post (yes, I know that it's already the's 1:30 am and I'm wide awake...bear with me). It's the first line from the first post of the month. Should be fun!

January - I'm telling you, X-man has a sixth sense to tell when we have company in the house.

February - No, I'm not cleaning my house (I should, but there are other...more fun...things to do!).

March - I finally finished X-man's baby blanket...well, except for a few loose ends I need to weave back in. *I still haven't woven in those ends...sheesh! ~snarfle

April - My sister pointed out this belt (from Chico' that store!) to me at Christmas.

May - This sock was a bear to make, but I was so determined to finish it that no amount of frogging (that's rip it, rip it, rip it out) would stop me.

June - It's been about 30 hours since I got the positive on the pregnancy test.

July - I love free stuff (who doesn't?) and every little bit helps, right?

August - Today is the last day of the summer session of Children's Day Out, so I made little thank you gifts for X-man's teachers (and the program director because she's really sweet!).

September - Yes, X-man's lazy parents finally got his sandbox put together.

October - I had my 21 week check up on Monday.

November - This card was inspired by the creator of Papertrey Ink, Nichole Heady.

December - X-man has finally gotten over his fever (I hope I haven't jinxed it!).

Ok, so it wasn't as interesting as I thought it was gonna be, but it was fun to look through old posts!

1 comment:

DBN said...

I am glad that you had a good year! Here is to a most excellent 2008!