Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lotsa Fun!

We have just wrapped up Round 4 of visitors. Whew!

TC's sister and niece came to visit and they had a great time playing with X-man. Cuz (TC's niece) just got her learner's permit, so she drove us all over town. She did a really good job, too. And considering she was 4 when TC and I started dating, I just can't believe that she's 15 already!

We went shopping for some school clothes for Cuz. There was one great find...a pair of jeans that was $44...marked down to $3.72...with the final price at the register being $1.58. No matter that the petite jeans were a mile too long. And no, there weren't any more in her size.

While they were looking, I looked for a pair of jeans for me. Since the pants I'm wearing are getting a bit big in the waist, I tried on a pair of size 8's. And they fit! I could button and zip with no problem and I could even sit down comfortably. The only problem was that the thighs were a bit tighter than I'm comfortable with. I went with the 10's, but I'm pumped that the 8's fit! I also got a new purse.

I made gravy...again! I had a successful attempt back in May, but I had an actual ratio of oil to flour to liquid this time (2 Tbs/2 Tbs/1 cup). And let me tell you, it was tasty! (I used half butter, half olive oil for the oil since I don't have a jar of bacon grease in the fridge.} TC's sister even had some extra on some bread. People don't take seconds if they don't like something!

X-man seems to be getting better. At least the poop is going back to yellow and it's not green. But it's still pretty foul smelling. I'm not sure if he's in the middle of the Rota Fun or at the end of it. The nurse said that he could have it for 3 WEEKS!!! Just to be on the safe side, we skipped church and our Sunday School social. And I don't think that we infected anyone when we went to church last week. I called a friend of mine whose little girl is 3 weeks older than X-man, and they didn't act like their daughter had any symptoms of Rota. That's good!

Now this is going to seem crazy, but I'm actually kinda excited about cleaning tomorrow. With my hair falling out like crazy, it's all over the tile floor in the bathroom. And the toilet paper makes fuzzies all over the floor. And with the steam from the shower, that makes quite a mess on the floor. I ordered a sweep-n-mop because I was hoping that its rubbery sponge would be perfect for getting up the hair and junk. It at least looks like it'll clean well on TV! I got it in the mail yesterday and yes, it works great! So, at X-man's first nap tomorrow I'm hitting the cleaning! And if I get the hankering, I might even mop up the entryway tile. Just don't expect it to happen again for a while.

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